Exposition with the "Group 88"
Exposition with the "Group 88", Struktur- und Genehmigungs-Direktion Süd, Neustadt/Weinstraße, april 26th till may 16th, 2016
Day of the Open Monument
Exposition "Bei mir bist du schön" in the former synagogue at Deidesheim/Weinstraße on the Day of Jewish Culture and the Day of the Open Monument from September 6th to 14th, 2014.
Exposition with the "Group 88"
Exposition with the "Group 88", Struktur- und Genehmigungs-Direktion Süd, Neustadt/Weinstraße, May 24 till June 16, 2012
Workexposition and lecture, topic: "Kaffeekult"
Workexposition and lecture on the topic "Kaffeekult" in the order house of the Winefratemity of the Palatinate Neustadt/Weinstraße, November 4, 2012